Monday, May 16, 2011
How well do I use Word and Excel
Word and Excel are the programs, which everyone should know. When I was asked about my knowledge of these programs in the beginning of the year, I answered that I use them totaly bad. Because of this fact I face a lot of problems not only on lessons of Computer Skills. When I try to do something in these programs it takes me really much time. I get nervious because of it. Now I try to improve my knowledge of computer,and first of all, I practice on these programs.
Flyer and brochure I made.
On one lesson of Study Skills we told to create a flyer. First of all, I didn't know what was it and how could I do that. To tell honestly I didn't about such program as Publisher. When I opened this program everything became more clear for me. With help of my friends I started working, and learned almost all tools of the program. It was really interesting and useful for me. The next lesson we were told to make a brochure about IELTE. Our teacher added some necessary pictures to make our brochures beautiful. We also wrote some information about IELTE in it. At the end of the lessons we could watch others' brochures: all of them were beautiful. I liked these lessons very much, because they were not only interesting, but very helpfull and useful.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
My test taking experience.
Test taking is one of the most problematic thing in study proccess. We learn new information and then take tests to indentify quality of our knowledge. I got my best test taking experience on the previous year when I was prepairing to my entering exams.In addition to techniques, that my teachers tought my, I knew something new.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Making a good presentation.
How to make a nice presentation? How to speak and how to behave yourself on it? On one of our lesson of Study Skills these questions were answered. The lesson was organized in unusual way: we walked around the classroom, on walls of which were stuck pieces of whold material about presentation. Our teacher used the Locy method and it really helped. The information was provided with funny pictures, which helped me to remember the material. Lots of advices were included in this material. For example, how to use some techniques to get attention of the audience, how to answer the questions politely, and how to behave yourself in proper way. There were some phrases with which we should start and finish presentation to make it interesting and well-organized. After reading the information we were given cards with common mistakes in making presentation. To conclude I want to say that this lesson was very usefull,and handouts we were given after that are still very helpful.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Excelent presentation.
Our last lesson was very interesting!We had a topic "presentation".As we are living in 21st century and studying in university we must know how to make a good presentation.We learned some rules,which will help a lot in our future studying.There was a lot of advices also.For example some words and phrases that we should use in our presentation.We knew,that the way we speak is also very important.While making presentation we should speak clear and polite.If some of listeners have any question,we should answer them,trying to make it clear.Using visual aind is also necessary.It will save time.I'd like to make presentation about my hometown Samarkand using these rules.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
American Civil War.
American Civil War sarted from dicloration about abolishing slavery made by Abraham Linkoln.As is South America were a lot of plantations,there worked great amount of slaves.That's why plantators started to fight agains abolishing of slavery.First Battle of Bull Run happend on July 1861.It finished with victory of Confedetion(South)under Thomas Jonathan,who was named "Stonewall Jackson".Confederation attaced union 3 times.Victories of generals "Stonewall"Jackson,and by Robert's Lee army at Second Battle of Manassas push federals (North) back to the Washington.The final action of the year ends in Federal disaster when McClellan's successor,major general Ambrose E.Burnside,threw his army against Lee's near Fredericksburg,Virginia.This battle was bloodiest one of the war.In 1865 corfederation went back.Richmond fell Lee's surrender on April 9.It was the end of Confederation.
Making presentation.
For me it's not easy to make presentation.But while making it for Integrated and study skills I learnt something about PowerPoint presentation.We were explaind same main steps,and it wasn't too difficult.Of cause I know not all tools to work in PowerPoint,but I think I can do simple presentation with using pictures and music on it.

The language of study.
We are students and we should know words connected with study proccess.On one lesson of study skills we learned them.Most of them I didn't know.For example words campus,assessment,supervisor,tutorial,scholarship etc.Now I know all this words and their meanings.It helps me to talk to teachers and students of IELTE.It's wery nice and useful experience for me.
My note taking experience.
Note taking is a very important part of our study.Why listening and reading we take notes.It helps to take particular information from whole text.After taking notes we can just look them through and remember whole information.I always take notes,because my memory is not good.Whem teacher read a lecture and you take notes,you can revice them before tests.It will help!We always take notes of words that instructor somehow outstand or write on the blackboard.After lesson it's better to read your notes.

Tape recording the lecture.
People sometimes record something they need.Tape recording also can be used in studying.For some students it's easy way to record the lecture in order to not missing important details.It also can help in learning something by heart.While listening you can understand better what your instructor meant.It also will help to prepare for tests.But in spite of this advantages there are some disadvantages.First of all,some teachers can forbid to record their lecture.That's why first of all you should ask teacher's permition.Secondly,there can be noisy in the room,and because of this sounds you can mishear or miss some details.And the last one is that what some students can think that if they record the lecture,it's no need to listen the instructor.It is bad,because teacher sometimes can make mistakes in their speach.It can be deliborately,to make students correct them.Intonation is also important.Because of bad quality of recording,you can make mistake youself.Tape recording is good,but it's better to lister,take notes and record simultaniously.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Time magament problems
I order to avoid wasting time and save it for more important things we should manage our time.But I think each of us sometimes can have problems with time management.People,who busy with studying or working have this problem more often than others.Espesually studens who have a lot of things to do and a little time for doing it face this problem every day.In order to avoid it we can use time lines and calendars.Time line will help to devide your time in accordance with urgentcy.It also will help not to forget about any important tasks.There is one more way to manage your time.It is making calendars.You can make calendars for week or for month.It will help do everything on time.Problems with time management can be cause of having big amount of things that are needed to do,but time can be almost over.That's why it's better to manage time very attentivly.

My goals and objectives
Each person for succesful life should have some goals.It will help your dreams and plans come true.On the lesson of Study skills we had a topic "SMART goal".It means that our goals should be specific,measureable,achievable,realistic,and should have time limits.If to follow all this criteria,I can say that my goal is to learn at least two foreign languages in two years. I think my goal is SMART.But in order to do it I have to study hard.While I'm studying I have a real chance to do it.I'll try to follow my goal and when I reach it I'll be very happy!!!It is very useful to make goals,because when u reach it,u feel really satisfaction!When your one goal is reached another comes to its place.You should make goals to have sence of life and reach something good.

Monday, January 3, 2011
My study habits and learning style.

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